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Proprioception exercises favor body awareness

The walk was going well until… Oops! An ankle sprain interrupts the tour. At home, it’s hard to go from one room to another without bumping into corners and getting that surprise bruise. Did you identify with these situations?

Know that stumbles, imbalances and destabilization due to external agents can signal a lack of body awareness and of the movements. For this, physical activity can be a great ally.

Balance and reorientation training

Good proprioception training can smooth out the awkward scenes mentioned above. “It is a training of balance and reorientation of time and space of each part of the body”, explains physiotherapist Leandro Pellicci.

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According to the specialist, through exercises, it is possible to improve the reception and responses of the brain. “Proprioception refers to all neural output originating in muscles, joints, tendons, and deep tissues. to re-educate the movement of the aforementioned parts”, he says.

It is possible to combine physical exercises with proprioception (Image: Lumos sp | Shutterstock)

Benefits of proprioception exercises

Combining proprioception exercises with whatever training program your teacher proposes, at any level, helps prevent injuries. In addition, it improves balance and the execution of simple and routine movements, such as going up and down stairs, sitting and standing up, walking, driving, using the computer or even running.

“In a 100 meter race, for example, the system athlete’s proprioceptive system in full activity corrects his posture ten times per second. If this readjustment occurs at a deficit, the runner loses quality in his motor pattern and decreases his performance”, says personal trainer Rafael Boaventura dos Santos.

The professional also lists other gains in keeping the proprioceptors well trained. Look:

  • Corporal conscience;
  • Posture maintenance;
  • Agility;
  • Neuromuscular control;
  • Increased Strength Development Rate (TDF);
  • Joint and CORE stability.

How to work on proprioception?

According to Rafael Boaventura dos Santos, the most effective way to work proprioception is generating instability through accessories or stimuli. “The more unstable the surface, the more advanced the exercise will be”, he adds. But remember that the exercises should always be performed under the supervision of a Physical Education professional, so that they are done correctly.

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Health & Wellness
physical exercises

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