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Prosecutor Francisco Barbosa responded to the High Commissioner after the interview with RTVC News

Francisco Barbosa

The nation’s Attorney General, Francisco Barbosa, described as miserable the statements of the High Commissioner for Peace, Danilo Rueda, who, in his opinion, did not give credibility to the information about an alleged plan by the ELN to attack him.

«They are miserable and scoundrel statements those that the high commissioner has done about this, ”said the prosecutor.

ON VIDEO: Exclusive interview: High Commissioner referred to the alleged attack by the ELN against prosecutor Barbosa

Rueda, in statements to RTVC News, He assured that it is probable that the information about the supposed plan to attack Barbosa is an act of sabotage against the peace process with the ELN.

“The question that arises is the source of information, and That source of information, as it has been known and leaked by some media, would correspond to a State agentThat’s why we talked about the signs of sabotage,” he said.

Barbosa, in statements to various radio stations, assured that it is very serious that information that comes from at least three different sources of State intelligence agencies is discardedwithout giving enough time to do the respective verification.

“Disregarding the nation’s Attorney General’s Office and justice puts at risk, not only my life, that of my surroundings, but also that of many public prosecutors general of the nation and once again puts a cloak of doubt on justice,” he added.

Look here: “We may be facing sabotage”: Peace Commissioner on alleged ELN attacks

The position of prosecutor Francisco Barbosa

One of these sources is the Financial Investigation and Analysis Unit (UIAF), which would have detected suspicious movements of large sums of money, similar to those that were made before the attack.tempted against the General Santander Police Schooland that he delivered that information to the Army, without that institution having shared it with the Prosecutor’s Office.

Rueda also asked the Prosecutor for prudence because, according to him, the information should have been handled confidentiallyeven to take measures to protect the official.

Don’t be cheeky and don’t be mean, ask me for greater responsibility when we also have some sources that imply putting a burden on me and my family ”, the Prosecutor replied.

In addition, he blamed the Government for what could happen to him.

There is a very clear responsibility of the National Government and the High Commissioner for Peace as a representative of that government in whatever may occur,” he said.

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