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Prosecutor rescues three children abandoned by their mother

Prosecutor rescues three children abandoned by their mother

The event occurred yesterday morning on Route PY08 Dr. Blas Garay, km 26, General Artigas District, Itapúa. The baby is admitted to the Trauma Hospital, Asunción.

Daniel Gonzalez Ayala 27 years old, was traveling in his car in the company of his wife Rosa Palacios Villalba and her children, a three-year-old girl and a one-year-old baby.

The man was heading in the direction of the district of San Pedro del Paraná to the City of Encarnación, but it was time to reach the indicated height he lost control of his car and consequently the rollover occurred.

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The agents of the 8th police station in the city went to the site after a call was received at the duty office. There they found the vehicle involved with property damage and all the orpassengers outside the passenger compartment, also with certain injuries.

Subsequently, they were helped and transferred to the Encarnación Regional Hospital aboard an Ambulance from the General Artigas District for medical assistance.

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The victims were treated by the doctor on duty, Dr. Juan Ruíz, where the One-year-old baby was diagnosed with “craniocerebral trauma”, being transferred to the Trauma Hospital of the City of Asunción for better medical care, where she remains hospitalized.

The antecedents of the fact were sent to the Public Ministry.

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