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Protection against the consequences of climate change with green roofs and facades / Also possible with insulated exterior walls and with photovoltaics / Many municipal subsidies available

co2online gGmbH

Berlin (ots)

With a roof and facade greening, sterile areas become lively, green living oases. It looks good and helps to make your own house fit for climate change. Many municipalities support homeowners with their greening projects with subsidies. The non-profit consulting company co2online points this out in its range of information on climate-resilient renovation ( hin.

Protection from heat and heavy rain

The number of days with temperatures above 30 °C is steadily increasing due to climate change. Green buildings prevent excessive heating in summer. Because the evaporation of water by the plants acts like a natural air conditioning system. In winter, certain plants add extra insulation to the building and help keep the heat inside. This also reduces the heating requirement. In extreme weather phenomena such as heavy rain, the building envelope is also protected by the plants.

Green buildings with photovoltaics and external insulation

There are often unfounded reservations about greening when it comes to insulated exterior walls and photovoltaic systems. Greening is also possible with external insulation. Various providers offer solutions that guarantee a weatherproof seal and prevent thermal bridges. The combination of green roof and photovoltaic is also possible. The right choice of plants prevents shading of the solar modules. Homeowners should seek professional advice when planning their greening project.

More and more funding more popular

Many cities and municipalities have recognized the positive aspects of green roofs and facades as a contribution to climate change. The subsidy check from co2online ( lists funding programs in over 40 communities that support greening projects on and around the house.

About co2 online

The non-profit consulting company co2online ( stands for climate protection that works. Since 2003, more than 50 energy and communication experts have campaigned, energy calculators and practice checks to reduce electricity and heating energy consumption in private households to a minimum. The action impulses that trigger these actions make a measurable contribution to CO2 reduction. The focus is on electricity and heating energy in buildings, modernization, construction and help with dealing with subsidies. co2online is supported by the European Commission, the Federal Ministry of Economics and Climate Protection as well as the media, science and business.

Press contact:

Alexander Steinfeldt
co2online non-profit GmbH
Hochkirchstr. 9
10829 Berlin

Tel.: 030 / 780 96 65 – 10

Original content from: co2online gGmbH, transmitted by news aktuell

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