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Protection of minors: drug commissioner wants to check age limits for alcohol

If the federal government’s drug commissioner has its way, the minimum drinking age must be raised.Image: pexels / campus production


The federal government’s drug commissioner, Burkhard Blienert (SPD), made it clear at the beginning of the press conference that he wanted to call things by their proper name. German drug policy needs a paradigm shift. And not only in the area of ​​illegality – or the much-cited legalization of cannabis – but also and above all in the case of legal addictive substances.

Blienert’s major construction sites: alcohol, tobacco, gambling. Put bluntly, Blienert’s remarks mean: the Germans drink and smoke too much. “150,000 people die every year as a result of alcohol and tobacco consumption,” sums up the drug commissioner. The turnover of the gambling industry is also increasing. A job for the drug officer.

The social democrat Burkhard Blienert is the federal government’s drug commissioner.Image: dpa / Hendrik Schmidt

He calls for a social rethink – and wants to set the political course for it. Adjusting screws that Blienert wants to turn: revamped protection of minors and more preventive measures.

Advertising ban and higher age limits

In order to break the trend that young people in particular are prone to addiction, Blienert wants to campaign for a ban on advertising and sponsorship of the alcohol and tobacco industry. The SPD politician believes that profit should no longer take precedence over health protection. This is exactly where the Drug Commissioner wants to start with the paradigm shift he has initiated. He says:

“First of all, of course, that means that we approach things rationally and, wherever possible, based on evidence. That the three monkeys principle must also come to an end with alcohol, smoking and gambling. According to the motto: see nothing, hear nothing, say nothing. “

Blienert wants to campaign for an addiction and drug policy that does not focus primarily on repression and punishment, but on prevention. And to encourage people to use the substances responsibly. The protection of minors also comes into play here.

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From Blienert’s point of view, it is mainly young people who are susceptible to advertising. He is therefore in favor of an advertising ban by the tobacco industry. This applies not only to billboard advertising, but also to advertising at supermarket checkouts.

And: Not only the tobacco industry should back down when it comes to Blienert. Advertising for alcohol and gambling, such as sports betting, should no longer take place in front of children and young people. A point on which he works together with the youth minister Lisa Paus (Greens).

The advertising ban is not enough. Blienert goes on to say: “If the youth protection law is already being touched, we should of course also talk about the age limits.” So far, young people from the age of 14 are allowed to drink alcohol when accompanied by an adult.

So far, bars have also been allowed to serve alcohol to under-16s – if legal guardians are present.Image: pexels / kindel media

A regulation that the drug commissioner thinks absolutely nothing of, as he makes clear. He says:

“This regulation sends a completely wrong message. A little alcohol, that’s okay, even if you’re only in the eighth grade. In my opinion, that’s not possible at all.”

Prevention and safe consumption

It’s about reducing the potential for addiction – and making consumption safer. A point that Blienert also expects from the legalization of cannabis. But it will be a while before this comes. The drug commissioner also makes this clear when presenting his agenda. Cannabis is just one of the many issues that the SPD politician wants to tackle in the coming years.

The safety of users of other drugs is also important to him. Like cocaine, heroin or crack. For this reason, Blienert is campaigning for consumption rooms in the federal states and in the municipalities. Because the establishment of such places is a matter for the federal states. He is convinced: These spaces can make consumption much safer for addicts.

Blienert also wants to support drug checking. Because such laboratories can make consumption safer by checking submitted samples for their composition and contamination. So far, this procedure has not been banned in Germany, but possession of drugs is. According to Blienert, the conditions must be created here so that the substance analysis associated with a consultation is possible without punishment.

The speculation is over: Christine Lambrecht’s successor candidate is Boris Pistorius (both SPD), the previous interior minister of Lower Saxony. He will now take over the post of Secretary of Defense. There is a lot for the Lower Saxony to do there.

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