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Protests at National Holidays LIVE: Clashes in downtown Lima after Dina Boluarte’s message

Protests at National Holidays LIVE: Clashes in downtown Lima after Dina Boluarte's message

They report repression and injuries in the center of Lima

An Aymara protester is treated after being injured by the police while demonstrating in the center of Lima, the Muqui Network reported in a tweet in which it also denounced strong police repression in the area.


Protester is detained by what would be Terna agents, to then lead the young man to a private car with an unknown destination

Clashes between police and protesters continue in the Cercado de Lima

Demonstrations continue in the Cercado de Lima. A group of demonstrators protest after Dina Boluarte’s speech

Attendees to the march assure that the police officers used pellets to control the protesters

Towards the Plaza 2 de Mayo

The group of people that remained in Plaza San Martín moved back to Plaza 2 de Mayo along Nicolás de Piérola avenue. Another person was reported to have sustained a head injury and was taken to hospital.

Bypass of the Metropolitan

Due to the presence of demonstrators in the center of Lima, route A of the Metropolitano diverts its route along av. Alfonso Ugarte and will have the Quilca station as its only stop, in both directions.

Demonstrations in Puno

Citizens in Puno burn images of Dina Boluarte, Alberto Otárola, Prosecutor of the Nation and Patricia Chirinos.

They remove the photographer and ask that he be a collegiate

The Press and Society Institute (IPYS) indicated that freelance photojournalist Walter Hupiu denounced that he was removed from an area of ​​downtown Lima, preventing his coverage. He added that the policemen demanded that he identify himself as a registered journalist.”IPYS reminds the police that in Peru registration for the exercise of the profession of journalist is not mandatory,” they said.

San Martin Plaza

Protester regroups in Plaza San Martín after several hours of clashes with the troops.

San Martin Square (Lia Valderrama)

Police and protesters in the University Park

While President Dina Boluarte proposed in her message “A country that has a human face”, these clashes were taking place on Avenida Nicolás de Piérola.

clashes resume

The clashes in the University Park resumed. The motorized Police detained some demonstrators and dispersed others along Abancay avenue with Leticias and Ayacucho shreds.

CAS Covid workers join the march

“Health is in the streets because of the Government,” said the workers who attended health centers during the pandemic.

Protesters continue on Abancay avenue

After the clashes, another group of people continues on Abancay Avenue, next to the University Park, shouting harangues against the government.

Demonstrators continue on Abancay avenue. (Facebook: Lia Valderrama)

injured in protests

On social networks, protesters indicated that some reporters and other people were injured as a result of the clashes between the Police and the protesters. Among them, the following was mentioned: a 33-year-old man, polycontused, with an open wound in the right occipital region; a 22-year-old woman with an open wound in the right parietal region, a 36-year-old man with a pellet wound in the right leg; and a 28-year-old woman with an open wound.

Several injuries were reported, including two journalists from Wayka and Agora Popular. | Twitter @drantonioquispe
The police take control at the intersection of Abancay and Nicolás de Piérola avenues. | Twitter @drantonioquispe

protesters are withdrawn

Among the groups that could be seen in the protest were students from the Universidad Nacional Mayor de San Marcos and flags from the Purple Party.


Citizens mobilize in the Plaza Mayor of the city of Puno, demanding the resignation of President Dina Boluarte and other members of the government.

(Pachamama Radio)
Pachamama Radio
(Pachamama Radio)

Nicholas de Pierola

Between Nicolás de Piérola and Abancay avenues, the demonstrators confront the police who try to prevent their advance towards the Congress of the Republic.

tear gas

The police used tear gas which was returned by the protesters.

Clashes in the University Park

Clashes in the University Park between the police and protesters. The troops began to launch tear gas and move people towards Plaza San Martín.

(Twitter: @AlexFebrero_)

Arrival at Abancay avenue

Citizens who were in Dos de Mayo square arrived through Nicolás de Piérola at the intersection with Abancay avenue and joined those who were already at that point.

(Photo: Juan Zapata / Twitter @jfowks)


Citizens of the Ácora district and different social organizations have been mobilizing through the different streets of the city of Puno.

Ácora (Radio Onda Azul AC)


Merchants from Ciudad Lacustre mobilize through the streets and support the protesters who are in Lima, demanding the resignation of President Dina Boluarte.

(Pachamama Radio)

In the University Park

Another group of protesters gathered in the University Park, where a police contingent prevented them from entering Abancay Avenue, which leads to Congress, the place where President Dina Boluarte will deliver her message.

Protests in Plaza 2 de Mayo

Starting at 9 in the morning, various groups met in Plaza 2 de Mayo to protest against the government of Dina Boluarte, later, they moved along Nicolás de Piérola avenue.

Plaza 2 de Mayo (Twitter: @ocoronelc)

/peru/2023/07/27/protests-in-peru-live-puno-cajamarca-ayacucho-apurimac-latest-news-national-strike-against-government-dina-boluarte-road-blockade-pnp -photos videos/

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