
Protests in Peru: Protesters arrive at América Televisión and Panamericana

Protesters at América Televisión and Panamericana

Dozens of protesters arrived in América, in Santa Beatriz, and Panamericana Televisión, in Arequipa avenue. TV channels are nearby. At the scene, there are police officers accompanied by Serenazgo personnel; and there is quite a lot of traffic in the area.

TV Peru, the state channel, is two blocks from América Televisión.

A large group of protesters began to arrive at América Televisión. Video: TV Peru

Defense Minister spoke about roadblocks

“We are carrying out the corresponding planning to enter the various regions that have blocked roads and, within the corresponding period, we will take the pertinent actions,” said Jorge Chávez, Minister of Defense.

Jorge Chávez spoke about the unblocking of the highways in several southern routes. Video: TV Peru

Early elections and referendum for the Constituent Assembly: what the minority opinion of Peru Libre proposes

Infobae spoke with Jose Naupari, a specialist in public law and electoral processes, who indicated that this project would be “unconstitutional”

The two proposals that are included in the opinion of the minority of Peru Libre

This afternoon, the complementary elections 2023 They were rejected by the Plenary of Congress. In light of this, the President of the Board of Directors, Jose Williams Zapata, gave the floor to the legislator Jaime Quito so that he exposes his opinion in minority that was presented on December 15. However, the parliamentarians could not reach a consensus.

Carriers stranded by blockade on the Central Highway

More than 300 people are stranded due to the blockade in the Central Road. There are several protesters who have taken the roads. The ambulances do not want to enter and there is a lack of personnel from the National Police of Peru (PNP).

Protesters are outside América Televisión

Protesters gathered outside of america television, located on Mariano Carranza avenue in Cercado de Lima. There is a police contingent on the scene.

Advancement of elections bill: what the new document presented by the Executive says

The initiative proposes that Peruvians go to the polls on October 8 and the new authorities perform functions from December 2023 to July 2028.

Advancement of elections bill: what the new document presented by the Executive says
Advancement of elections bill: what the new document presented by the Executive says

The proposal for complementary elections for December of this year, presented by the president of the Constitution commission, Hernando Guerra Garcia, was seen frustrated in Congress. Now, the parliamentarian of Peru Libre, Jaime Quito must support your minority opinion that proposes a new project to advance elections.

Rising inflation impacts regions affected by indefinite unemployment and roadblocks

In thirteen of 26 localities, according to the INEI, the cost increase is greater than the national average of 8.87%.

Unlike Lima, the sector most affected by inflation resides in the south of the country. (Reuters)

After several weeks of protests and acts against citizens (road blockades, attempts to seize airports, etc.), the inflation national rose to 8.87% at the beginning of this 2023. This figure, according to the National Institute of Statistics and Informatics (INEI), is the highest price increase registered in Peru in more than twenty years.

Most of the products in the family basket increased their price in January due to protests in the country

The shortage of essential products that reached the supply centers has caused their costs to increase and even the price to rise by up to 300%.

Prices continue to rise after roadblocks.

A hard blow to the pockets of Peruvian families has been generated after the demonstrations and protests that have caused the road blockade and closure of main roads access, preventing food, medicine, oxygen, drinking water and fuel from reaching the regions.

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