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Pruning plants and hedges in winter or summer for a beautiful garden? Here are all the secrets!

When to prune

Pruning may seem like an exclusively summer activity, but it’s not. In fact, one of the best times is the end of winter. There are, however, some precautions to follow to avoid damaging our garden. Here are all the tips to have a beautiful garden all year round.

To have a beautiful garden we have to take care of it. Our hedges and plants, in fact, need attentions. It’s not enough just to find the right soil or fertilizer and neither protect them during the cold. There are some absolutely necessary treatment and there is no better time than winter.
It’s about the pruning, who finds his best moment during the colder season. Indeed, in addition to the period between June and July, these months are an excellent opportunity to take care of our plants. It’s about dry pruning, which helps plants produce a new one during the spring. Here are all the tips to perform it at its best and have a beautiful garden all summer.

Pruning plants and hedges in winter is perfect for a beautiful garden

For plants, pruning is definitely a trauma. For this reason you should only do it if you have one valid reason and cut into proper way. Eliminate drastically of the branches could be damage permanently our plants.
First let’s try to understand which plants prune in February. The plants that they lose their leaves can be pruned from November through March. THE evergreen, instead, they can be pruned from mid-December always until the beginning of March. We avoid if possible January or moments with heavy rain, because our plants may be weaker. Vermin and other enemies may take advantage of humidity to hit our garden. The best time is, therefore, certainly the end of winter, or the month of February.

Beware of animals

There are, however, other aspects to which we must pay attention. We always check that they are not there bird nests or burrows among the branches. This is because we could damage the place where the people live garden animals. Let’s try to use hand toolssuch as shears and scissors and we avoid leaf blowers.
In fact, these too could disturb small animals that are part of the garden ecosystem. Also, we always check that the blades are clean. This is to avoid spreading any infections. For security we can pass them with alcohol or bleachin order to disinfect them before use.

Some plants are absolutely to be avoided

For pruning plants and hedges in winter we must not exaggerate with cuts. We only delete the dry or damaged branches. We cut i upper branches, moving down. This method will help all the leaves of receive sunlightwhich in the winter months will be precious for our plant.
Not all plants, however, they can be pruned in this period. Absolutely avoid those that they bloom in winter, such as calicantus and forsythia. Camellia, azalea, oleander, horse chestnut and cherry must also be avoid so as not to damage them.

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