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PSD, after the exclusion of Dumitru Buzatu: “The party has decided to move forward in a perfectly clean formula” / “A flagrant that is beyond any kind of interpretation”

The spokesperson of the PSD, Lucian Romaşcanu, claims that the decisions taken by the party regarding Dumitru Buzatu – detained by the DNA for a bribe of over one million lei – and his family members who are related to the PSD were not some slight, but, “in the end, the new Social Democratic Party decided to go forward in a perfectly clean and correct formula”.

Dumitru Buzatu in front of the PSD headquarters in KiseleffPhoto: Inquam Photos / George Călin

PSD decided to go ahead

“I believe that the decision of President Ciolacu and the leadership forums is a correct one, because, ever since Marcel Ciolacu took over the leadership, there was zero tolerance for any act of this type, we had the lists of the Parliament, and in the Chamber, and in the Senate, with people without any kind of criminal problem, whenever there was a strong signal in the public space regarding integrity issues, immediately the decisions were taken”, stated Romașcanu.

“It’s not an easy decision, it’s about colleagues, but in the end, the new Social Democratic Party decided to move forward in a perfectly clean and correct formula”, Romașcanu said on Saturday, at the end of the meeting of the National Political Bureau in which the leadership PSD decided to exclude Dumitru Buzatu from the party, the suspension of his ex-wife, senator Gabriela Creţu, and took note of the resignation from the Government of their son, Tudor Buzatu.

He is of the opinion that following the arrest of Buzatu by the anti-corruption prosecutors, PSD has “definitely image problems”, but the credibility of the party is not affected “in the sense in which we govern and show what we can do”.

“A blatant one that is beyond any kind of interpretation”

Lucian Romaşcanu claims that he does not want to comment on the decisions of the magistrates, but specifies that “we are still talking about a flagrant that is beyond any kind of interpretation”.

“I don’t expect anyone to do something like that. It’s a very big surprise, he’s an old colleague, I’ve known him for a while. Unfortunately, things happen regardless of what we think or don’t think about a person. He will answer to the law for what he did and politically, we made the best decision for the party, for the image of the party and for the way we want to move forward”, added Romașcanu, when asked if he expected Buzatu to receive a bribe.

He specified that Buzatu held the high positions in which he was in the last many years following the votes of the population of Vaslui.

“Mr. Buzatu held administrative positions for a very long time by the vote of the people of Vaslui. In any political party and probably in any organization the performance is analyzed in an extremely concrete way, Mr. Buzatu was elected by the citizens so many times, consequently he probably deserved his position as president of the County Council, and at the level politically, coming with these results, I certainly couldn’t doubt your ability there”, declared Romaşcanu, when asked if Buzatu deserved to stay for so long in the positions he held in one of the poorest counties of Romania.

Gabriela Crețu, suspended to be “protected”

Regarding the resignation of Tudor Buzatu, the son of President CJ Vaslui, from the position he held at the Executive level, Romaşcanu says that this is an “honourable resignation, certainly related to the situation in which his father is, and very well he did this, so as not to have further discussions in the party and outside the party about you and your father’s deed”.

Romaşcanu also commented on Buzatu’s ex-wife’s announcement to challenge her suspension from the PSD to the Integrity Commission, the PSD official claiming, in this context, that “it is normal to appeal to the Integrity Commission”, explaining that it “is in one form or another, in a connection, even if old, with Mr. Dumitru Buzatu”, and the decision regarding the suspension was taken to “protect” both Gabriela Creţu and the PSD.

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