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PSG: Hidalgo raises the tone for the Park, the CUP too

Eager to buy the Parc des Princes, the leaders of Paris Saint-Germain are struggling to convince the Paris City Hall. While Anne Hidalgo reaffirmed her position, the Collectif Ultras Paris invited itself into the discussion.

Anne Hidalgo refuses to sell the Parc des Princes to PSG.

The leaders of Paris Saint-Germain fell on a bone. Eager to buy the Parc des Princes, the decision-makers of the capital’s club are unable to reach an agreement with the Paris City Hall. While the door was open for a while, the sale of the enclosure is no longer on the agenda, according to Anne Hidalgo.

Hidalgo refuses to let go of the Park

Invited this Thursday on France 2, the mayor of Paris reaffirmed her position on the subject. The Park is not for sale. You know, I hadn’t completely closed this hypothesis, let’s be honest. Firstly, because I wanted to see what it meant for Parisians: was there the key to additional resources that would allow us to better support the small Parisian clubs? So I’m a pragmatic person, I look explained the elected socialist for the program Tlmatin.

I understand the economics of a club of this level, where stadium ownership is part of the economic equation. All this I hear, but the Park is definitely not for sale. On the other hand, of course that with my club, because Paris Saint-Germain is my club, and its president (Nasser Al-Khelafi, editor’s note) we have talked to each other and worked insisted the politician, aware that her institution remains in a position of strength in this file.

The CUP threatens

A move from PSG? You know, I don’t think there are many plans B, but we need to discuss , replied the Councilor of Paris. An outing that was not at all appreciated by the Collectif Ultras Paris, so far discreet on the issue. It’s neither your club, nor your city, nor your stadium! If you want to be the star, we will soon put you in the spotlight , launched the president of the CUP, Romain Mabille, on Instagram. A soap opera that has not finished making people talk…

Do you understand Anne Hidalgo’s position? And that of the CUP? Do not hesitate to react and discuss in the area add a comment

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