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PSG: Verratti has only one regret

Second most capped player in the history of Paris Saint-Germain, Marco Verratti has often undermined the reputation of a party player who likes to go out. A false image that the Italian midfielder regrets.

Verratti has not always appreciated his treatment by the media.

400. This is the number of matches played by Marco Verratti (30) since his arrival at Paris Saint-Germain in the summer of 2012. A journey of more than ten years that the midfielder probably did not imagine.

A decade to delight and frustrate fans of the capital club between his genius and his injuries. A question often comes up: would the Little Owl have gone even higher without his physical ppins?

Rumors about night parties

About his fragile health (a single season more than 29 games in L1), the native of Pescara had difficulty accepting certain rumors. The most tenacious? The one that makes him an inveterate partygoer. This reputation bothered me because most of the time it was not true. When you’re a journalist, you have to do things honestly. If this is true, I take my responsibilities, as has been the case many times. But I was passed off as someone who went out every night. In the end it was wrong sighed the Parisian for France Football.

Despite everything, the main interested party does not deny an evolution in his way of life over the years. People who know me know what I do and who I am. There were times when I knew I could go out, times when I knew I had to rest. And I was 20, it was different. Today, I like to go to dinner with my teammates, my friends, but these are things that everyone does continued Verratti.

Mr. Verratti – you have to be ashamed

Before returning to what he considers to be gossip. When it was me, it was a problem. Every time we lost a match, we said: ‘Marco, he’s out.’ Once, I was told that I had gone out there, but the box was closed. Another time, it was said that I had spent an evening with the singer Rihanna, but I don’t even know her. You have to be honest , insisted the European champion with the Squadra Azzurra. A reputation that the player took a long time to get rid of.

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