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Puerto Esperanza: there are already four detainees for the crime of Teo Vázquez

Tuesday, January 3, 2023 | 12:15 p.m.

After the arrests of two suspects in the case, yesterday morning the Misiones Police arrested another couple of those involved in the murder of Timoteo Vázquez. With this, the four detainees will be investigated as they are accused of beating the 47-year-old victim to death last Sunday morning in the Villa Nueva neighborhood of Puerto Esperanza.

The two new detainees were identified as Davis S. (34) and Hugo S. (31), who ended up staying in a police station along with the first two arrested: Yanina Elizabeth B. (32) and Sergio Omar “Checo” P. (27).

Both David and Hugo S. were located during a strong operation deployed yesterday morning in the Piedras Preciosas neighborhood of that town.

The murder occurred in the middle of an alleged family discussion in which the victim, his partner, a brother of the woman and three people who were at the scene of the attack participated.

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