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Puerto honored Diego and Messi with two statues in the form of cartoons

The Municipal Mayor, Carlos De Grandis, discovered last night two sculptures in the form of caricatures with the figures of Diego Maradona and Lionel Messi, top national idols, on the sidewalk of Club Paraná, within the framework of an emotional and boisterous tribute after the world consecration of the National Soccer Team in Qatar.

The initiative proposes to create a space so that the residents of the city and those who visit it can take a picture and take home a forever memory of two idols who live forever in the hearts of all Argentines.

In that place, on the external side wall of the sports club, rest the murals with the faces of Diego and Lio, works that were commissioned by the municipality to the artist Gabriel Griffa, who painted various prominent athletes throughout the country.

With this fun idea of ​​adding the sculptures in a cartoon tone, located on a green synthetic grass, people will be able to take pictures from a perspective that integrates these new works with the faces of the cracks on the mural with the corresponding “Genius L10” quotes. , and “Thank you D10S”.
The sensitivity generated in the country by the third world championship won by Argentina in a heart-stopping final with France, was reflected tonight in a true party with light blue and white flags, fanfare, and chants of “Dale Campeón ” and the endless song “Muchachos” that is already part of a permanent state of mind that is difficult to stop humming at every moment of these days that we live.

The fans of the best player in history, Lio Messi, municipal authorities and government councillors, neighbors and children in general came to the act of discovering the cartoons to relive the endless party of passion, overflowing joy and emotion that spans the entire country. since Sunday. With screens that broadcast images of the goals in Qatar and of Diego against the English in Mexico 86 with the mythical story of Víctor Hugo, the emotion escalated even more in the Puerto Rican night.

“We wanted to put the concrete sculptures in front of Club Paraná so that people can also take photos with murals in the background. They are caricatures, not exactly similar, but original and fun. In addition, there will soon be about seventeen more characters in different spaces the city”, explained the Mayor, who stated that they are part of initiatives to invite visitors to visit the city.

“We are always thinking of promoting this type of initiative to invite the people of the region to have various reasons to visit this industrial city. This is how we generate things in the Municipal Camping, or the Municipal Theater, or the Megastadium, among other attractions”, DeGrandis pointed out. “We wanted to put our heart into this work, and if it helps to spread the photos and Puerto throughout the world, welcome,” he said and thanked all the municipal staff who conditioned the space.

“God has given us the greatest on the planet. We had a lit Lionel that made Argentines enjoy, and Diego from heaven encouraging, and they gave all Argentines this joy, it is a humble tribute to these two greats” , he stated.

Today, Argentina is shouted to the world, and to the world, Puerto shouted today “Vamos Argentina!” to honor two cosmic kites that are ours, and that are in our hearts forever.

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