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Pupils on the cuts: Not getting the support they need

Sweden’s teachers’ union has sounded the alarm that cutbacks await at several schools as a result of the economic situation. According to the union’s calculations, SEK 12 billion is needed for the entire country if the quality of Swedish schools is to be maintained.

At Bredängsskolan in southern Stockholm, eleven employees are to be made redundant, most of whom are student assistants or so-called resources. The development worries the students.

Dana Bdeir is in the eighth grade and believes that there are risks with the reduced staffing.

– If these student assistants are not here, I think that some students can get hurt and you don’t get the support you really need, she says.

“Like a friend leaving”

She is supported by Ahmed Ryad Mafarjah, who also attends the school.

– If you are a messy child, they are so good. They make you a good child. All the students have a good relationship with them, they are so social and everyone likes them, everyone greets them, we talk to them. So if they were to quit, it would feel like a friend quitting, he says.

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