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Purchase of plants from Iberdrola guarantees that the price of electricity will not increase: AMLO



AMLO described as a “shame” and “another shame” the hiring of the former president Felipe Calderón for Iberdrola. He directly linked it to the growth of Spanish companies in the country and the decline of the CFE in the face of private competition.

“It is something very important because with the energetic reform (…) they wanted to put an end to the public company in charge of the industry. They tried to tie the CFE and give all the facilities to private companies, especially foreign ones.

The president accused the governments of the “neoliberal period” of the abandonment and privatization of the energy and petrochemical industry.

Purchase of energy from Iberdrola

The purchase of 13 plants of electricity generation by the Mexican government to iberdrola “This is good news,” said the president. Lopez Obrador. With this, the Federal Electricity Commission (CFE) increases its national participation to 55%.

“The agreement that was signed is something very important for the country (…) because in essence what It is guaranteed that the price of electricity will not increase. There are many technical elements, but I tell you that we carried out this purchase to strengthen the public company CFE and thus offer energy at fair prices.”


Ana Elizabeth García Vilchis presented the section Who’s who in the lies of the week?



Cesar Buenrostro MorenoExecutive member of the Housing Fund of the Institute of Security and Social Services for State Workers (fovissste), provided details on the progress of the reform of the ISSSTE Law in terms of credits, the social collection strategy, the program for liquidation solutions.

Fovissste. Photo: Government of Mexico


Carlos Martinez Velazquezgeneral director of the Institute of the National Housing Fund for Workers (Infonavit), presented a report on the early liquidation programs, the conversion of credits to pesos, the cancellation of mass eviction trials, the campaign to regularize deeds, and the return of funds for those who did not use their credit.

Infonavit. Photo: Government of Mexico

The conference started.

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