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Purchasing power: barter to fight the crisis

C. Wormser, T. Paga, G. Sabin, T. Paulin

France 2

France Televisions

Inflation should stand at 5.4% this year, according to the Banque de France, which had hitherto forecast 6%. Food price inflation is expected to peak in June. To resist this inflation, in Redon in Ille-et-Vilaine, the inhabitants have adopted barter.

Installation only takes a few minutes. Each of the participants opens the trunk of his car and already the first exchanges are made. Two Sundays a month on this car park in Redon (Ille-et-Vilaine), we exchange hygiene products, clothes or foodstuffs. No question of talking about money, barter is the rule to save money. “With all the bills we have to pay and salaries not increasing, we are very careful with our budget“, declares Géraldine Jolivet, participant in the barter.

A new way of consuming more united and ecological

An initiative imagined by Christelle Lemasson. Several months ago, she created a group on the Internet to fight against the crisis and improve her daily life. “On the 15th of the month, we have no more money, we have to pay the bills. Once you’ve paid all the bills, you have to eat well. So we keep what we have left to eat“, says the barter organizer. A new way of consuming more united and ecological, imposed on certain households by the current crisis.

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