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Purchasing power: private label products impacted by inflation

A.-C Le Sann, A. Forveille, N. Berthelot

France 2

France Televisions

In February, the box office ticket for 20 Hours soared by 15.9%. An overall price increase that does not spare private label products.

In this month of February, the receipt for the 20 Heures continues to soar, with an increase of 15.9%. In one year, its inflation is galloping, rising from 2.44% to nearly 16%. This is the sixth month of increase. Result: more and more French people are turning to distributor brands and first-price brands, the cheapest on the shelves. A consumer acknowledges: “I do less shopping for pleasure. I buy what is necessary. (…) I take the lowest prices.”

An unsurprising increase

And yet, the first prices and private labels are also experiencing inflation records. For example, the price of entry-level sugar rose by 42% due to the poor beet harvest. Fresh products are not spared by this increase, especially entry-level eggs, with an increase of 31%. According to an expert, these increases are not a surprise. In the other departments, the observation is the same: prices are rising.

Among our sources

NielsenIQ: price monitoring on a selection of products every month for France Télévisions

Non-exhaustive list

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