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Put mallow in the bedroom but never eat it. You will experience a golden age full of love

Put mallow in the

Some plants have incredible properties and meanings that make us appreciate their importance to the fullest. Let’s surround ourselves with beneficial plants and don’t underestimate the effects they will have on mood and health.

Mallow is one perennial herbaceous plant whose flower is made up of 5 petals that appear between spring and autumn. It grows wild, in large plots it is considered a weed, but for centuries it has been used in many sectors to exploit its benefits. Legends and curiosities are linked to it that enrich its charm and increase its beauty.

The phytotherapeutic properties of the mallow have been appreciated since ancient times. One of the most famous legends dates back to the first century in which the mallow was used as remedy for deadly poisons.

The medicinal uses concern the ability of the plant to heal the liver, improve sleep, cure inflammation. In the kitchen, the richness of calcium and iron is exploited by not throwing any part away. The leaves can be used in saladsthe branches in the soups or for give flavor to the filling of the ravioli. In the cosmetic field there are many creams, toothpastes, shampoos and shower gels based on mallow that guarantee softness according to the uses that are made of them.

Grow healthy and peaceful

Put mallow in the bedroom, the ancients say so. In medieval times the seeds were placed in the eyes of the deceased for drive away evil spirits. Pythagoras said it was a sin to eat it because it represented incredible wealth for posterity, consuming it was a sign of selfishness. The plant cared for in the room where we sleep is capable of relax and give us nocturnal well-being. The herbal tea promotes digestive processes and relaxes the abdominal muscles. Plant and herbal tea are a winning combination to guarantee us hours of rest, relaxation and productive sleep.

The herbal tea promotes digestive processes and relaxes the abdominal

The bedroom is one of the rooms where you don’t spend most of your time. But the hours you spend are the most important of the day in domestic life. Create a healthy and positive environment it would improve the mood and the proximity of the mallow would have consequences on various aspects of our lives. In support of this thesis there would be the meaning it would have in the language of flowers and plants.

Place the mallow in the bedroom or on the balcony outside

Mallow symbolizes love and maternal understanding. The heart shape in the petals, the purplish color and the soothing properties have led this plant to represent the peace of domestic life. Anyone who has just given birth or has very young children can create the right atmosphere for a balanced growth of their offspring, which will be meek and affectionate.

With this plant you can create the right atmosphere for a balanced growth of your offspring, which will be meek and

The love that it is necessary to give to one’s children will be greater the more welcoming the alcove in which to grow up and get to know each other will be. And mallow is the right plant for enrich the rooms of the house with relaxing and beneficial smells and colours. Especially the bedroom which par excellence is defined as the place where family love is jealously guarded. If the room is placed next to a balcony, the external space will be luxuriant and prolific and will allow us to have a remedy for various ills at hand. Herbal teas, infusions and decoctions they will help us feel better and make home life clean and protected in the most effective ways.

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