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Pyrotechnics: fines for noise remain for 2023

The regulation of pyrotechnics remains for next year

The sanction of an ordinance that provides for fines of up to more than 500,000 pesos for those who use sound fireworks in the City, was part of the agenda of the La Plata Deliberative Council last Thursday. But the initiative voted in the last session of the deliberative was not voted on in time to govern these holidays.

This is a project promoted by the president of the Council’s Security Commission, Romina Cayón, which provides for the prohibition of the use of sound fireworks in the City, as well as its commercialization to children under 16 years of age.

The initiative is based on the disorders that cause this type of explosion in children with autism problems or other conditions on holidays, as well as altering the daily life of people in general and even pets.

However, the project was only on the deliberative agenda in the last session of the year, so, although it was unanimously approved two days before Christmas Eve, like all regulatory procedures, it will only be in force when it is promulgated and regulated. and post.

As this newspaper was able to learn, this procedure, which will be reflected in the Official Gazette once resolved, requires a process that takes days, so official sources cannot ensure that this will happen before December 31.

In this context, the initiative that generates the contravention of the provocation of this type of noise would be fully in force in February.

Yesterday there were numerous readers who contacted this newspaper to report the complaint about the use of sound fireworks during the Christmas festivities. And although the consumption of fireworks decreases every year, last night there were several who insisted and that is why complaints came from different neighborhoods of the City and stated that after calling the 147 neighborhood hotline, they did not obtain satisfactory answers. As this newspaper has been publishing, fireworks are not the only problem that affects the rest and coexistence of the people of La Plata: the recurring bites, cuts and exhaust released from motorcycles complete a panorama of growing concern.

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