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Qatar dollar: they reduced the PAIS tax and it will drop from $731 to $657

Qatar dollar: they reduced the PAIS tax and it will drop from $731 to $657

Gap narrows between tourist dollar and Qatar dollar

RR l Buenos Aires | August 14, 2023

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RELATED TOPICS: AFIP, Argentina, Qatar dollar, tourist dollar

In the midst of the devaluation, the Government reduced taxes on the tourist dollar, in order to take pressure off the blue dollar. In a tense day after the unexpected results of the PASO elections in which the ruling party had its “punishment vote”, the dollar skyrocketed in all its contributions, however the AFIP reduced the PAIS tax for the first time, going from 25% to 5%.

In the midst of the devaluation of the official exchange rate, the AFIP -through a resolution in the Official Gazette- reduced for the first time the collection of the PAIS tax on the Qatar dollar. (AR: more than half of the ticket to Qatar are taxes)

With this change, the Government lowers the price of the Qatar dollar, which at $731 was the most expensive on the market. According to the vision of officials from the Economy area, “cheapening” the Qatar dollar should help to take pressure off the blue dollar, which today climbed to $685.

With the Qatar dollar at $657 and the blue at $685, those who travel abroad will be better off paying with a card than spending their green bills, according to Clarín. This is key information for spending in dollars with a card that exceeds $300 per month.

Below that amount of monthly expenses, the tourist dollar or card dollar applies, which includes the 30% PAIS tax and 45% on account of Earnings, but not 25% of Personal Assets. Today that variant is trading at $639.6.​

In this way, the Qatari dollar and the tourist dollar will be separated by only 18 pesos, while before this change the distance was 92 pesos.

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