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Queretaro businesses capture economic benefits of 400 million pesos for Easter

Queretaro, Qro. establishments of trade, services and tourism sector they captured an economic benefit of 400 million pesos during the first week of the holiday period, during Holy Week, according to the Querétaro Chamber of Commerce.

This figure represents an advance of 59.7% compared to the projection of 670 million pesos that is expected to be collected between last week and the current one, for Holy Week and Easter, based on the estimates of the business organization.

During the first week of the holiday, the economic units reported a 20% increase in their sales, in relation to a conventional season, said the president of the Queretaro Chamber of CommerceFabian Camacho Arredondo.

Lodging establishments registered a hotel occupancy rate of up to 85% in destinations in the Metropolitan Area.

The businesses of the Chamber of Commerce report an economic income of 400 million pesos, strengthened by the issue of tourism, where we had a hotel occupancy, especially in spaces in the Metropolitan Area, of up to 85%”, he pointed out.

In the first stage of this holiday period, he highlighted, the commercial places also concentrated a high demand.

“There is an important dynamic of consumption in shopping malls, in important spaces such as convenience stores and which in turn reflect a significant economic flow (from the sale) of religious articles during Holy Week, also in grocery sales and miscellaneous articles”, he added.

For this second week, it is expected to receive an economic spill of between 280 and 300 million pesos, which will be added to the 400 captured in Easter.

“For this Easter week we hope to also have a good economic and commercial rhythm, we forecast to have for this Easter week an economic benefit of close to 280 to 300 million pesos,” he specified.

Prior to the start of the holidays, the Querétaro Chamber of Commerce projected an economic spill of 670 million pesos for both weeks, this estimate represents an increase of 21.8% in relation to the 550 million pesos that were captured in 2019, prior to the health contingency.

In parallel, the Querétaro Tourism Secretariat forecast that from April 1 to 16, Querétaro will receive 324,000 tourists staying and an income of 1,500 million pesos. As well as 1.4 million hikers, they are travelers who do not spend the night in the entity.


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