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Quinteros and Agustín Bouzat’s party: “He did very well, it is very important for us”

The Colo Colo coach referred to Agustín Bouzat’s new position on the pitch and did not tire of approving his mission and highlighting his virtues.

Colo Colo was a steamroller at the Luis Valenzuela Hermosilla stadium. Los Albos thrashed Deportes Copiapó 5-2 on the first date of the 2023 National Championship and were in charge of dispelling any ghost that appeared after the defeat suffered last weekend when, on penalties, they fell to Deportes Magallanes.

Before the commitment, Gustavo Quinteros suffered from the casualties that Popular had. Emiliano Amor, Esteban Pavez, Vicente Pizarro, Leonardo Gil and Marco Rojas missed the debut and, therefore, the coach had to put together a completely new midfield.

Gustavo Quinteros approves the work of Agustín Bouzat

In such a scenario, The man from Santa Fe lined up Agustín Bouzat in midfield, making a pair with César Fuentes. In a position that we had not seen the Argentine use, he accompanied the Corralero and, in addition to helping in containment tasks, at times, he was the first to leave the team.

After the match was over, the strategos attended a press conference and, among other things, filled the mission of the trans-Andean player with flowers. For Quinteros, Bouzat played “very well. We analyzed the rival and saw that they left the midfielders a lot of freedom. So we put him there, which He has good ball control, he’s fast and he did very well”.

“He always received alone and played very well. He turned around when he had to, he made through passes when he had to, he changed front and he did it very well. He is a player who fulfills several functions and is very important tactically for us.”, added the coach.

Now, the task will be very difficult for the technical director. On the next date, he will once again have Esteban Pavez and Leonardo Gil. In addition, Fabián Castillo has already added a few minutes in a good way and Marcos Bolados has everything to continue as a starter. To all this, we must add the performance of Jordhy Thompson, so the inclusion of Agustín Bouzat in the starting eleven against O’Higgins is a mystery.

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