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Quiroga supports call for free and fair elections in Venezuela

Jorge Tuto Quiroga questions Evo Morales' lack of morals

PEACE.- Former Bolivian President, Jorge Tuto Quiroga, joins the call for transparent and fair elections in Venezuela, highlighting the importance of giving the opposition a fair opportunity to compete in the electoral process.

In a post on social media platform X, Quiroga expressed his support for the opinion reflected in the editorial in The Washington Post entitled: “For Venezuela, a ray of light. Give the opposition free and fair elections.”

The editorial highlights that the Venezuelan opposition has managed to remain active and now faces a crucial opportunity at the polls, after years of repression by the Maduro regime, which has included arbitrary arrests and human rights violations.

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The text states that Maduro has hindered the participation of numerous opposition candidates in the contest for power. Actions undertaken by the United States to support opposition forces, through pressure and sanctions during the administration of President Donald Trump, as well as in negotiations during the term of President Biden, have yielded mixed results.

The Washington Post says that despite sanctions that have impacted Venezuela’s oil industry, Maduro has managed to stay in power thanks, in part, to support from countries such as Russia, China, Cuba and Iran.

Unique Opportunity

“Venezuela, once one of the most prosperous nations in Latin America, is now immersed in one of the worst humanitarian crises in the world, causing the departure of more than 7.5 million people since 2015, including hundreds of thousands to the United States,” the statement said.

She also notes that, despite the obstacles imposed by the government, leaders such as María Corina Machado continue to bravely carry out their electoral campaigns, seeking democratic change for the country.

The article considers that the upcoming elections in Venezuela represent a unique opportunity for the Venezuelan people to express their will and put an end to decades of misgovernment and corruption. It is essential to ensure a fair and transparent electoral process, free from interference and manipulation by the current regime.

The publication urges the international community to pay attention to this critical situation in Venezuela and to advocate for a free and fair vote. At a crucial moment for the South American country, it is vital that democratic principles are respected and that the will of the people is allowed to be heard.

Finally, The Washington Post notes that the hope for a more prosperous and democratic future for Venezuela lies in the holding of free and fair elections, where the opposition has a real opportunity to compete without fear of reprisals or manipulation. The world is closely watching this electoral process that could mark a turning point in Venezuela’s history.

(email protected)

Source: Former President Jorge Tuto Quiroga’s social media account X, Editorial The Washington Post

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