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Rabies in Mexico: from eradicating transmission by dogs to claiming the life of a child in Oaxaca

After it became known death of one of the three children infected with Rage in oaxacaafter a bite bat; has raised questions about what happens in the country with a disease “eradicated” in transmission of dogsbut that has claimed the lives of humans.

According to the Oaxaca Secretary of Health, “The patient was admitted to said medical unit after presenting health complications after suffering a bite from a wild animal in recent days. Unfortunately, and despite the efforts of the health specialists, the minor lost his life at 5:06 p.m. that day (Wednesday, December 28).”.

Regarding the minor under 8 years of age from the town of lime stickin the town San Lorenzo Texmelucanwho was also bitten by the wild animal, the agency reported that she is under sedoanalgesia and mechanical ventilation.

However, although in Mexico cases of rabies transmitted by dogs have been eradicated, contagion by wild animals returned in Jalisco and Oaxaca.

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According to National Center for Preventive Programs and Disease Control (Cenaprece), rabies infections in Mexico have occurred in highly marginalized rural areas that do not have access to health services.

Like in the Tarahumara region of Chihuahua, the mountainous areas of Guerrerothe region huichol from Jalisco and Nayarit; as well as by contact with sick cattle in Jalisco. As well as the death of migrants from Oaxaca and Michoacan who, during their transfer during the incubation period, died on arrival at USA; as stated in the media Political Animal.


Since 2006, there is no record of rabies cases in humans transmitted by dogs, although Health has documented at least 21 deaths from transmission from wild animals.

Between 2000 and 2018, according to data from the dinnerprecein Mexico it was detectedor 50 cases of rabies in humans, of which 41 were infected by wild animals; however, only the technical record of 21 deaths is available.

Of this 21 documented deaths, 15 of them were cases of bat biteswhich inhabits tropical and subtropical areas in Mexico.

While in forested and tropical areas, the following were detected: 5 cases of Michoacan (Arteaga, Susupuato, Huetamo and San Lucas); 3 in Nayarit (Ruiz, El Nayar and Huajicori); 3 in Warrior (in Coahuayutla, Ometepec and Tlacoapa); 2 in Jalisco (Chapala and San Sebastián del Oeste); coupled with a case in Cazones, veracruz and Soto La Marina, Tamaulipasrespectively.

in the mountains of Chihuahua detected three cases of skunk bites in Urique, Batopilas and Nonoava between 2009 and 2011.

There were 21 deaths from rabies transmitted by wild animals, of which 15 were from bats.

While in 2008 two children of 8 and 10 years died after being infected with rabies by a vampire bat bite in the Las Palomas de La Yesca community in Nayarit; only one received medical attention.

IT MAY INTEREST YOU: There are 4 cases of rabies in Mexico, three cases in Oaxaca and one in Nayarit: 2 are serious

However, a year earlier -in 2007- two more people died after being bitten by a fox in Chiconquiaco, veracruzand San Vicente Coatlán, oaxacarespectively.

Just as in 2009, a rancher from Hostotipaquillo, Jaliscodied of rabies after handling one of his animals with symptoms of wild rage.

Rabies is a viral zoonosis that is transmitted through a bite or scratch. Once the appear clinical symptomscan be fatal in all cases, which is why safety guidelines have been issued medical care in case of being attacked by animals that may carry the virus.

Added to that the Health Secretary has asked the population to avoid touching or approaching mainly the wild animals.

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