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Raccoon had probably damaged it: Berlin regional train drives against a hanging power line – two injured

A regional train collided with a hanging overhead line near the Friedrichsfelde-Ost S-Bahn station. The overhead line broke, there was a flashover and the front window of the driver’s cab shattered, as the federal police announced on Saturday.

The 29-year-old train driver of the Niederbarnimer railway and a 52-year-old train attendant were slightly injured in the accident at the Biesdorfer Kreuz through the glass of the pane. They came to a hospital for a check-up on Saturday morning. About 25 passengers were unharmed.

The passengers were able to leave the train after the catenary, which broke in the collision, was grounded. They were taken by bus to Friedrichsfelde-Ost S-Bahn station, from where they could continue their journey. The damage is still being repaired, so that there are disabilities.

According to previous knowledge, a raccoon climbed onto one of the catenary masts and damaged the overhead line, causing it to sag. It came to a first flashover, in which the animal died, it said. The grass on the embankment had been charred. The regional train that was traveling from Küstrin-Kietz to Lichtenberg then drove against the hanging line. (dpa)

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