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Radonjic, the cure Juric works: if you play the post with Vlasic

Not only the performance of Lecce, but also an excellent location and so many people available to the squad

Quello of the Turin It is surely a positive moment: against Bologna (1-0) and Lecce (0-2), they arrived due to important victories without going up a goal. Dopo deludente prestazione nel derby, durata a malapena 15 minuti, Nemanja Radonjic if è netmente ripresso. Against Bologna he entered the field at 74 ′ to the post of Karamoh (match-winner) and has delivered the result with spirit of scarcity. Contro il Lecce defeated all the game on the field and with great performance, with a beautiful assist for the goal of Sanabria del raddoppio. I played the game against Juventus, Ivan Juric aveva dichiarato: “I’m not laughing at it, I’ll have a calcium giocatore.” Poi però il tecnico fue stato chiaro: nessuna punizione per il serbo. Infatti il ​​number 49 granata in his career has always alternated brilliant moments with other names. L’atteggiamento però adesso sembra essere tornato quello giusto: la cura Juric sta funzionando. And also the chiamata in Nazionale will be made by the precious gasoline trequartista.

The impegno and the voglia of Radonjic

From the days of the Allenamenti, the class of 1996 has shown that avere voglia di tornare sui livelli di inizio stagione. Al Filadelfia altro allenamento a porte aperte nella giornata di Tuesday and the trequartista has shown himself to be in shape, signing in partitella. Karamoh is still a cousin of the transfer from Salento, for a bottle caught in control of Bologna and ecco che Radonjic has enjoyed the best occasion. Oltre all’assist so much Corsa, a good defensive coverage and ottimi spunti in advance. This is what gli chiede l’allenatore, if he does not interstadisce with i dribbling può ventare decisive. Adesso Vlasic is torn in a group and if he candida for the start game against Napoli, who will be ballottaggio al fianco di Miranchuk and dietro a Sanabria.

Nemanja Radonjic in Torino-Hellas Verona

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