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Rafael Amaya and the photo that evidenced his use of Photoshop in his publications

The eighth season of “The Lord of the heavens” marks the return of the actor rafael amayto play Aurelio Casillas, the character that has given him so much recognition worldwide.

With his return to the Telemundo screens, fans of the series have not only gained the presence of the original protagonist of the story, but they have also been able to witness how good the actor looks.

At 45 years of age, the Mexican has an enviable figure and is well worked out in the gym, so it is logical that many people fall in love with his appearance.

Knowing his statuesque figure, Amaya wanted to show off a bit on his social networks, without imagining that he was about to be embarrassed by the discovery of his followers.

“The Lord of the Skies 8” presents the return of Rafael Amaya in his mythical character of Aurelio Casillas (Photo: Telemundo)


On Monday, January 30, at the height of the eighth season of “El señor de los cielos”, the protagonist of said fiction surprised his fans with a photograph of himself in front of a mirror and without any shirt. In other words, she was topless.

At first glance, anyone can see the well-worked musculature he has, which, according to his words, was obtained by doing sports in the gym.

What’s more, there were those who were amazed and wrote comments, stating that his abdomen is laundry or that his pectorals are very large. However, there were other words in the interactions.


The followers who are more detailed realized that something was not very right, since they realized that the image had been edited, which is something that many celebrities do and should not attract much attention.

Nevertheless, what unleashed a wave of criticism was that the image had been retouched incorrectlywith the presumed intention of making the actor look a little more muscular, despite the fact that in real life he is someone with a remarkable physique.

And it is that, if we pay attention to the cell phone that appears in the image, this device presents abnormal curves on one of its sides. What will have happened?

Rafael Amaya’s phone would show that he exceeded himself by editing the image (Photo: Rafael Amaya / Instagram)

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