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Rafael Santos Borré welcomes returning to River

Martín Araoz, representative of Rafael Santos Borré, confessed that the footballer “is going through an uncomfortable situation” at Eintracht Frankfurt in Germany, where “they are disrespecting him” because he plays “3 or 4 minutes”.

Faced with this situation, the footballer welcomes a possible return to River: “The River leadership, with whom I have a good relationship, offered for a loan and the first response was negative. But we’re at it: Eintracht, like everything club, defends his player. In principle they don’t want to lend him but you have to find a way to make everyone happy,” he said in dialogue with TyC Sports

“There are always negotiations. When one wants to make a negotiation, an agreement is reached with the forms. Sometimes it is impossible because the value of the player does not reach the possibilities of the team that is looking for him. River has chances, because this is not a question of money but to look for the best sportingly and economically”, he added.

In addition, he complained about the few minutes that the Colombian played and that he lost place after the arrival of Ronald Kolo Muani: “Rafa is living an uncomfortable situation, they are disrespecting him because it is one thing not to play, and another to be put 3 or 4 minutes. Rafa does not deserve it because the previous semester he had achieved a lot of things”, he pointed out.

Lastly, he revealed the player’s wishes: “Borré welcomes returning to River and it would be very good for him to return”, where he could be directed by Martín Demichelis in the first semester after Marcelo Gallardo’s departure after eight years.

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