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Rain, snow and hail make him a mustache: here are 3 super frost-resistant plants to have in winter

Here are 3 super frost-resistant plants to have in winter

In winter, most of the plants on your balcony are lifeless or in any case do not produce flowers. A real shame if you have a green thumb! Luckily, there are some frost tolerant plants that you can plant. We will let you discover some of them and we will show you their main characteristics. During this 2023 you won’t be able to do without it.

Rain, snow and hail make him a mustache. What we will see are plants that do not fear frost or the low temperatures typical of the winter season. Beautiful and resistant, they are ideal for those with a green thumb and would like to have a garden or balcony that is always full of color and life. They also require very little care and are therefore ideal for those who just can’t spend too much time with plants but still love to grow some. Here you are 3 super frost hardy plants to have in winter in 2023.

The cyclamen

Few flowers are as beautiful as those of the cyclamen! With its colorful colors it depopulates for the balconies of our whole peninsula. The reason for its success lies not only in its beauty but also in the fact that it resists very well at low temperatures.

Cyclamen – projections of the stock exchange. it

It also doesn’t need much care. It should be watered rarely and using little water to prevent it from rotting. If you want to avoid this risk, we advise you to pour it directly into the saucer. There’s more than one good reason to try planting a cyclamen in pots on your balcony.

A little curiosity? Tradition has it that this plant brings a lot of luck and is in fact an excellent gift for a woman who has recently given birth to a child.

The rhododendron

Do you live in a particularly cold area? No fear. This plant survives down to -5°C below zero as long as it is not exposed to excessive wind. It is an acidophile and therefore needs an acidic soil. Make sure you meet this need for it if you don’t want its leaves and flowers to discolor.

It doesn’t need much watering in winter. On the contrary, you will have to pay more attention to it in spring and summer. Some varieties of this plant also flower during the coldest season of the year. Thus, they can have great decorative value for your balcony or garden. Its flowers are arranged in groups and take on different colors: light blue, white, blue, lilac, purple… in short, there is something for all tastes!

Rhododendron flowers – projections on stock exchange. it

Here are 3 super frost-resistant plants to have in winter in 2023: Pansy

Splendid variety of violet very resistant to winter temperatures and that it blooms right during this season. Its flowers can be white, yellow, pink, lilac or even purple. There Pansy requires very little maintenance and, like the cyclamendoes not require abundant water.

Be careful, however, to ensure that it enjoys a few hours of sunlight if you want it to be healthy. Once you’ve made sure of that, this plant won’t need much else to survive.

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