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Rainbow Six Siege’s New Agent Will Completely Disrupt The Game’s Meta

Ubisoft has unveiled the details for Year 8 Season 2 of Rainbow Six: Siege. Called Operation Dread Factor, it features a new agent who wields a fearsome gadget to completely disrupt games.

Fenrir, an operator like no other

The first big change with Operation Dread Factor is the arrival of Fenrir, an agent who has F-NATT fear mines. Concretely, these are gadgets to be placed on the ground or on the walls, and which make enemies almost blind when activated. Ubisoft talks about a psychotic trap.

Once laid, an F-NATT mine can only be destroyed by an explosive, making it extremely durable. But when activated, it can be destroyed by bullets. When a mine is activated, a gas is released and makes the vision of enemies greatly reduced since they will not be able to see more than a few meters in front of them, creating a feeling of oppression. This should play a big role in the meta of the game! Fenrir has 5 gadgets and 3 activation codes, so he will have to play tactically to use them wisely.

Rework from the Consulate map

The developers tackled the Consulate map, which had been in its juices for a while. This rework will allow them to fix bugs more easily. Everything has been redesigned, from the exteriors to the interiors. For example, the line of fire that led directly to the entrance is now obstructed by an armored vehicle.

New stairs make it easier to pass between floors and the balcony can now be a real front line to hold. Overall, the environments are a little less open and have more details to make the fights more complex.

Other new features for Year 8 Season 2 include moving targets at the shooting range, an “Arcade” playlist, a Grim rework, and a new observation blocker gadget that creates a kind of wall and which blocks the vision of drones and cameras.

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