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Rains and low temperatures are registered in the CDMX

Rains and low temperatures are registered in the CDMX

authorities of the Mexico City (CDMX) alerted about rains, hailstorms and a drop in temperature for this Sunday of Christmasaccording to reports from National Metereological Service (SMN).

The Secretariat of Comprehensive Risk Management and Civil Protection capital reported that light rainfall is recorded in the west and south of CDMX, while in the eastern region there are some showers with hail.

“The rains will continue for the rest of the afternoon,” said the capital’s agency. The capital C5 reported on social networks that rains are being recorded in the municipalities of Coyoacán, Iztacalco, Álvaro Obregón, Benito Juárez, Iztapalapa and Tlalpan.

Citizens were recommended to stay tuned for updates to the Multi-Risk Early Warning System of the SGIRPC. As for the temperature, the minimum will be 8°C at dawn; at night the temperature will oscillate between 12°C.

According to the Federal Electricity Commission, the cold front this winter affected the energy of 175,894 users. The energy agency said in its report that the number of users affected, which has been 99.6 percent, has had their power supply restored.

It should be noted that this cold front impacted some states of the republic, which were Tamaulipas, San Luis Potosí and Veracruz, and by entity the numbers of those affected were the following:

  • 44 thousand 095 affected users in Tamaulipas; restoration to normality.
  • 7 thousand 601 affected users in San Luis Potosí; restoration to normality.
  • 124 thousand 198 affected users in Veracruz; 99% electrical restoration.

It may interest you: New cold front will cause the lowest temperatures

Rains and low temperatures are registered in the CDMX

For this reason, the CFE reported that they deployed 415 electrical workers, 140 vehicles and 76 cranes, meanwhile in Veracruz, this natural phenomenon is stationary, and affects municipalities such as Coatzacoalcos and Poza Rica.

Power blackouts also occur due to the unavailability of natural gas these days due to the cold, so it is expected that the cold front 19 will cause the unavailability of natural gas, which in turn affects the generation of up to 9,000 megawatts of electrical charge.

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