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Ramadan 2023: availability of products, details from the ministry

About the preparations for the ramadan 2023, the spokesman for the Ministry of Agriculture gave more details. Indeed, Messaoud Bendridi reassured Algerian consumers about the availability of different products during the holy month. In particular, vegetable agricultural products or those of animal origin. Moreover, the prices of these products will be within the reach of all social categories, indicated Bendridi.

Through a statement granted to Channel One of the National Radio, the aforementioned official informed that the responsible authorities plan to set up several outlets for these products. And this, in order to put an end to the shortage problems that have turned the food market in Algeria upside down. Moreover, he mentioned the upcoming opening of other points of sale, thanks to the plan that has been put in place.

In detail, the spokesperson indicated that the stocks of cereals and pulses make it possible to supply all Algerian consumers. Moreover, it is the same for milk. Indeed, Algeria produces nearly 124 million liters of subsidized milk monthly. As well as 266 million liters of fresh milk.

Sale of meat in Algeria: Nearly 144 points of sale will be open during Ramadan

On the availability of meat, Bendridi said that several meetings have been held to resolve this issue. And this, in coordination with the National Federation of Breeders and the General Union of Algerian Tradesmen and Artisans. According to the words of the same official, the Ministry of Agriculture has implemented a plan in collaboration with private importers.

Said plan consists, in fact, in importing fresh meat and cows. Bendridi evoked, in this wake, the acquisition of livestock from the south via the barter system. Indeed, this will make it possible to reduce the prices of lamb meat and beef. Knowing that the consumption of meat in Algeria has reached 50,000 tons monthly, reports the same source.

As part of the preparations for the holy month, Bendridi recalled that nearly 144 points of sale will soon be open in several regions. In addition, the spokesperson said that egg prices will decrease in the coming days. Following the increase in production.

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