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Ramos, target the MLS

Ramos, target the MLS

Sergio Ramos don’t let your guard down. The former Real Madrid player carry on with the daily work waiting to find the offer that meets all your expectations. In recent days he has received different proposals, but The defender’s desire is to continue shaping his career in the United States, in the MLS, which has become a perfect showcase this summer for Spanish football after the arrival of Leo Messi.

Once his time at the psgRamos decided to open a parenthesis before making a decision that could be hasty. Saudi football has repeatedly knocked on his door, as well as different brazilian teamseven the possible interest of the Sevilleas a bridge to his return to Spanish football, but the true objective of the defender is to prove the North American venture.

PSG transferred a renewal proposal to Sergio Ramos Once last season ended, in which they offered him half of his salary, it depended on his performance, on his appearances on the eternal game, something that The central did not like itwhich ended up declining the proposal.

The truth is that the LMS, like the Saudi League, it has become an interesting destination for many players. In the last campaign an important connection between Messi and Ramos was born, so much so that the Argentine is helping so that he can land in North American soccer.

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