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Ranking of Franconian cities: This is how expensive shared rooms for students have become

  • apartments for students: Price increase for Shared room from around 10 percent
  • Nuremberg, Erlangen, Bamberg, Bayreuth, Coburg and Wuerzburg: Housing is so expensive
  • analysis of the Moses Mendelssohn Institute 94 university locations
  • Bavarian capital Munich clear “leader”: 720 euros for a room

An affordable one Apartment Finding one is very difficult for students in Germany. This was recorded last year Moses Mendelssohn Institute (MMI) an average Price increase of around 10 percent. Franconian cities are also affected by the increased costs: Besides gain and Nuremberg crack too Bamberg and Wuerzburg the 400 euro mark. Only Bayreuth and Coburg are still below.

Rooms in shared flats in university towns are costing more and more: students in Nuremberg, Bamberg and Co.

An actual Study by the Moses Mendelssohn Institute (MMI) compared all 94 German university locations with at least 5000 students. On behalf of the project developer GBI and in cooperation with the real estate portal does the institute have offers in all 94 university towns evaluated. The result: shared flats drastically more expensive. This development is also evident in six Franconian cities.

Ranking of rooms in shared apartments in Franconian university towns:

  1. Obtain: 450 euros (2022: 400 euros / 2013: 350 euros)
  2. Nuremberg: 425 euros (2022: 395 euros / 2013: 320 euros)
  3. Bamberg: 400 euros (2022: 350 euros / 2013: 300 euros)
  4. Würzburg: 400 euros (2022: 390 euros / 2013: 315 euros)
  5. Bayreuth: 370 euros (2022: 342 euros / 2013: 280 euros)
  6. Coburg: 340 euros (2022: 300 euros / 2013: not charged)

The euro information refers to the average prices for a room in a shared flat in the 2023 summer semester. The prices in brackets on the left are from the previous 2022 summer semester – the prices on the right are from the 2013 winter semester. “The dynamics significant price increases has not yet weakened. In relation to the yearly period, the increase is 10.6 percent“, explains Stefan Brauckmann, Managing Director at the Moses Mendelssohn Institute (MMI). On average, you currently pay for a room in a shared flat 458 euros per month. “Our analysis makes the Prices including additional costs clear that especially the expensive energy played a crucial role in this development.”

German “leader”: Over 700 euros for a room in a shared flat in Munich

Not only will those who are new to a college town be affected by these increases, “but also almost all studentswho already live there,” says the institute. Above all, the situation is getting worse for those who only have a low income and, for example BAföG receive. In mid-2022, as part of the BAföG reform, the flat-rate housing allowance increased from 325 to 360 euros: This “is not even enough for an average room in 68 cities.”

In the most expensive city, with this amount you can just about pay the half his rent pay: A room in a shared flat Munich meanwhile costs 720 euros. The university town is with it German “leader”. After that follow Berlin (640 euros), Frankfurt (570 euros) and Cologne (560 euros). A total of 40 cities are even in the lower price segment above the BAföG flat-rate housing allowance of 360 euros.

However, most of the students are enrolled in these expensive but sought-after cities: “That’s the way it works mathematically more than 80 percent of the students from the difficult living situation affected,” explains the institute. “Against this background, there is an urgent need for additional financial support“, Brauckmann clarifies. “In more and more cities, it now takes the full salary of a mini job, 520 euros, to bear the living costs. The recently granted with a lot of bureaucracy 200 euros energy cost flat rate therefore only has a very short-term effect on many students,” concludes the analyst.

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