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Raphael Varane and the overwhelming reason for his resignation from the French team

Manchester United defender Raphael Varane has announced his resignation from the French team in a decision that took Les Bleus fans and fans around the world by surprise. At just 29 years old, the defender decided to no longer belong to the squad led by Didier Deschamps.

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With 93 official matches with the French team, three World Cups played and one World Cup won, the defender decided to put an early end to his relationship with the national team. Contrary to what many may think, this is not due to the painful defeat against Argentina in the Qatar 2022 final.

If we had won, I would have announced it immediately afterwards. This is the most important decision of my career. I live things to the fullest. Mentally, I can even focus more sometimes at the end of the season. We already lost games in June, where we couldn’t even concentrate”expressed interview with ‘Le Parisien’.

Varane attributed his decision to a matter of mental peace of mind “Sometimes when I’m with my family, which I left at the age of 13, I can’t disconnect. I am there, without being there. I needed to breathe, I was suffocating. The most difficult moment was calling the coach”he added.

Varane’s farewell message

“Representing our beautiful country for a decade has been one of the greatest honors of my life”Varane began an extensive message on his social networks, in which he announced his resignation from the French team.

“Every time I put on that special blue shirt I felt immense pride, the duty to give everything, to play with my heart and to win every time we took the field. I have been thinking about it for several months and have decided that the time is right for me to retire from international football.”he pointed.

“I will surely miss these moments with you, but the time has come for the new generation to take over. We have a group of talented young players who are ready to take over, who deserve a chance and who need you.”he added.

Raphael Varane has retired from the French national team. Photo: Capture.


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