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Rare founder licks 25-year-old chocolate trophy after Banjo-Kazooie named best gaming duo

We know fans have been clamoring for a new Banjo-Kazooie for a long time, and the latest poll from BAFTA shows just how much a new platformer in the series is actually in demand.

The awards organization recently conducted a voting tournament called Best Duo in Gaming on Twitter, where Master Chief and Cortana, Nathan Drake and Sully, Marcus Fenix ​​and Dom, Colt and Julianna and more were pitted against each other in a knockout format. Given that Link and Zelda, Mario and Luigi and Sonic and Tails were also competing – you could imagine that it would be a Nintendo victory and that Banjo-Kazooie’s chances of winning were quite small. But no! The duo managed to knock all three of these titans out of the competition and eventually won.

This success apparently surprised even Rare co-founder Tim Stamper, who before the final match between Banjo-Kazooie and Link and Zelda promised that he and veteran game composer Grant Kirkhope would lick a 25-year-old BAFTA Games Award chocolate trophy if Banjo-Kazooie defeated the Nintendo titans . And so it became.

Since voting closed, Stamper has reaffirmed the pledge, announcing in a follow-up tweet:

In the absence of photo evidence, it’s hard to know if Stamper actually licked the trophy, but by now both Microsoft and Rare should have realized it’s high time to unleash Banjo-Kazooie on a new adventure?

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