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Rather than ban hunting on Sundays, the government will create an app to report hunters

Ban hunting on Sundays? No question for the government. According to information from the Figaro “, the executive prefers to develop an application for walkers, where hunters will report.

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“The President warned the Secretary of State for Ecology [Bérangère Couillard, NDLR] that it’s niet from niet [pour l’interdiction pure et simple le dimanche] »explains an adviser to the executive on a daily basis. “Now is not the time to make sparks with people likely to demonstrate. »

This application, called “Meerkat”, will allow hunters to signal their presence, which would allow walkers to adapt their walking routes so as not to cross their path. It was an option offered by the hunters themselves. It must be formalized on Monday January 9 by the Secretary of State for Ecology, Bérangère Couillard, during a trip to Dry (Loiret), near Orléans.

“We prefer ads that work”

consultations “inconclusive” would have been carried out with other nature users, cyclists or horse riders. According to the executive, they would have rejected the idea of ​​a day without hunting, “fearing that it will lead to a framework for their sports in favor of walkers”.

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“I don’t want to suggest that banning hunting on Sundays would settle the issue for the other six days of the week”argues a government source. “A walker must be sheltered every day. We prefer ads that work to wow ads”we hammer in the government.

Upcoming alcohol testing and training

In addition to this application, other measures must make up the government’s “zero accident” plan. According to France info, a blood alcohol offense will be created for hunters. Beyond 0.5 grams per liter of blood (i.e. two glasses of wine), they will be prohibited from hunting, under pain of penalties. These are the same requirements as for motorists. Reinforced tests and controls are planned.

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A training plan for hunters is also planned. They must already undergo theoretical training every ten years. The government has decided to add a practical component to this training. Exercises in the handling of weapons will be organised, under the supervision of the hunting federations.

Finally, details Franceinfo, obtaining a hunting license will now be conditional on a certificate of aptitude, issued by a doctor. This is not the case today.

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