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Real Madrid condemns racist attack against Vinícius for Atlético ultras: “Disgusting act of xenophobia”

The prelude to the Real Madrid vs Atlético Madrid match for the Copa del Rey was muddy by the despicable racist attack against Vinícius Júniorafter the ultras of the ‘colchoneros’ hung a doll of the Brazilian soccer player hanging from a bridge in the city, which has aroused the indignation of the sports world.

More information Where to watch Real Madrid vs Atlético Madrid LIVE: by Madrid derby for the Copa del Rey

Through a statement, the Real Madrid He condemned these racist demonstrations and explained that these expressions “cannot have a place in a society like ours.”

Real Madrid CF would like to thank the support and expressions of affection received after the unfortunate and disgusting act of racism, xenophobia and hatred against our player Vinicius”, they initially stated.

We express our strongest condemnation of events that violate the fundamental rights and dignity of people, and that have nothing to do with the values ​​that football and sport represent.they added.

Statement from Real Madrid criticizing the racist attack against Vinicius Junior.

Atlético Madrid supports Vinícius and condemns racist attack

Faced with the image broadcast on the streets of Spain, Atlético Madrid shared its discomfort and pointed out that, despite their historic rivalry, there is great respect between both institutions.

The rivalry between the two clubs is maximum, but so is respect. No individual, whatever his intentions or his colors, can stain the coexistence between different hobbies. It is everyone’s responsibility to avoid it.”, he sentenced.



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