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Rebeca retracts and responds to Jefferson Farfán: “I have no doubt that your children are excellently educated”

IT GETS SERIOUS. Rebecca Writens he took a few seconds of his space “America Shows” to refer to the response that Jefferson Farfán gave to the criticism he received for celebrating his son Adriano’s birthday for everything big and a luxurious yacht in Miami.

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The television host acknowledged that she was one of the first to question the way in which the soccer player decided to celebrate her son’s birthday. However, she clarified that she did it from the position of his mother.

“This topic caused a sensation all week, and it has been the cover of many media outlets, of everything. I also got in to comment precisely, and I always do it from a very humble position, like a mother “, stated at the beginning. “I said it Monday, Tuesday, I don’t know exactly what day anymore, I said how cool that they celebrate their children’s birthdays, but I think – and there you get the double speech that we all have – we see the images of a yacht… A yacht at a 15 year old boy! Oh Lord!”, pointed out.

Along these lines, he stressed that no one has the right to question the way in which Jefferson decided to celebrate his children’s birthdays. “But when you turn around and think from another place, you say: ‘What does it matter to you, Rebecca or so-and-so, what Mr. Farfán does with his son.’ Each one gives his children what he wants, that’s why he takes the dirt off working and he himself has said it, responding a bit (…) We take the dirt off to give, first of all, the best education to our children and I’m sure that they as parents, I’m talking about Melissa Klug and de Farfán, they do it with their children and why not celebrate the birthday, they are celebrating life ”, added.


Finally, Rebeca went directly to Farfán to clarify that she does not doubt that her children are well located. “What I do have is that they don’t give me the information about the yacht, that is, María Pía sends me to the detour, Farfán no longer answers me, he already got upset. I also want to celebrate my birthday on a yacht, I’ll see if I can bring my children in later. Finally, everyone gives their children what they want and even more so if it is for their birthday. so my dear Jefferson FarfanI have no doubt that your children are excellently educated”, term.


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