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“Rebellion” of parents in La Plata for the fifth hour: they will not take their children to school before

The Primary School Nº 1 “Francisco Berra” of La Plata is back in the news this Tuesday in the framework of the meetings in which the authorities explain to the parents the application of the fifth hour of classes to extend the dictation of the subject of mathematics. While a petition was signed yesterday to request before the Ministry of Education that 1st and 2nd grade boys enter the establishment at 7:30 instead of 7 as it is intended to implement from next Tuesday, May 2, this morning the parents 3rd and 4th graders went further and “rioted”.

In the meeting that took place in the educational establishment of 8 between 57 and 58, the authorities lowered the same information line as yesterday, but in this case, as this newspaper learned, the participants went for more. “The fifth hour of classes is mandatory, that’s why they would enter at 7, they told us. Despite this, it was decided between the parents of 3rd and 4th grade that no boy or girl is going to enter at that time. We are going to bring them all at 8, regardless of whether it is mandatory,” a mother told this newspaper after the meeting.

“It’s crazy to get the kids up at 5:30 in the morning, when the school doesn’t have stoves, and there’s not going to be any reinforcement of snacks or anything like that,” added the same source. According to what he said, as yesterday, they signed the act that was raised to Inspection in disagreement and wrote a note, signed by all those present, in which they give the reasons why they will not take their children to school at 7 a.m. the morning, as the Buenos Aires portfolio claims. In this way, a new focus of conflict is opened in that educational center in which mothers and fathers began to receive the news yesterday about the time extension since the beginning of May.

In that meeting, they had asked to enter at 7:30 and that the day be extended until 12:30 for logistical reasons when the boys were transferred. In some cases, because many have siblings in the kindergarten, which opens its doors at 8 o’clock and with this provision, parents should wait an hour at the door of the establishment, complicating working hours. They also raised security issues for those who travel by bus and another point to consider -they maintain- is that of the carriers, who must readjust the routes.

This proposal is added to the one made by parents of Primary 2 (9, 47 and 48), at the beginning of the month.

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