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Receive child benefit for over 18s – specific proof is required

Under certain circumstances, studying or training can take a long time and cost some parents a small fortune.

It is therefore also possible for parents to receive child benefit for their child who is already over 18 years of age. A certain proof is enough to get the monthly payment of 250 euros.

Child benefit for children over the age of 18: This proof is required

In Germany, parents receive child benefit of 250 euros per month for each child. This is intended to finance care, maintenance and training. The payment of the money usually ends when the child comes of age – i.e. when it is 18 years old. But young adults over the age of 18 can still claim child benefit. To do this, they must meet certain requirements.

In principle, child benefit can be granted up to the age of 25 – after that, however, it is over. The years between 18 and 25 are considered a transitional period. During this time, many young adults are in training, further education or studying. They are not yet in a good financial position and the monthly child benefit of 250 euros should help here too.

Children or young adults will continue to receive child benefit after their 18th birthday if they complete their first vocational training or school education or study and can prove this, for example with a certificate of enrollment. It does not matter how much the child earns monthly. The only exception to this is a second training course. Children are only allowed to work an average of 20 hours a week if they want to receive child benefit.

There is also child benefit when you are looking for an apprenticeship

What if the children don’t start an education? If the children cannot find an apprenticeship, they have to prove that they are trying to find an apprenticeship. An important proof for the Federal Employment Agency is the registration as an apprenticeship seeker. In this way, the entitlement to child benefit can continue to exist.

For further reading: Federal agency with an important note: change in child benefit and child allowance

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