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Received an email from your bank? It could be fraud

Criminals are again trying to get user data through phishing emails. This time, bank customers are the target of scammers.

“We’ve detected unusual activity on your account from an unregistered device.” The e-mails that bank customers are currently receiving are starting to look something like this, according to the consumer advice centers. The messages are attempts at fraud, with a request to click on a link.

It goes on to say that no individual banks could be identified. In addition to an example of an alleged Commerzbank message, “many other phishing emails” are currently in circulation “that follow a similar scheme”.

In terms of content, it is often about an “unusual activity” or an “update”. Associated with this are account restrictions that are only lifted when personal data is entered.

The consumer centers warn against clicking on the link built into the mail. It is said that this would prevent data from falling into the hands of criminals.

Move unanswered emails to spam folder

“If you receive e-mails that are similar to this procedure, we recommend that you move these e-mails to the spam folder unanswered,” the consumer advocates advise.

With phishing, criminals try to get personal data from their victims, such as name, email address, passwords or birthday.

They can either sell this data on the dark web or use it themselves to log into online accounts such as the bank account and loot it. Identity theft can also be committed with personal data.

We have summarized in an article how you can recognize phishing mails. In it we also describe what you can do if you are the victim of a scam.

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