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Recommendations to start the habit of reading according to one of the most followed booktubers in Colombia

Isabela Cantos teaches her followers how to acquire books legally and for free

The world of literature is so broad, kind and creative that it has even managed to break through its barriers in paper and ink, thus achieving a position on digital platforms as something that one -yes or yes- should assume as a habit at some point in their life. .

Understanding this and taking into account how, as time progresses, new proposals have begun to stand out to the ”book recommenders”, notwithstanding, and not leaving behind the booksellers, columnists and text reviewers according to what we already knew, but instead, making the population of readers grow worldwide and through the new ways in which society communicates today.

And it is because of that today, there are several different types of book recommenders that can help more than one learn to head towards the infinite possibilities offered by letters. Youtube, instagram, Twitter and TikTok are the most used social networks to achieve greater interaction with the bookworks who are always aware of trends on the web to be part of them and replicate them on their channels.

The young influencer encourages the youngest to read through her literary recommendations / Isabela Cantos

Among so many options, Isabela Cantos stands out, a woman who draws attention for her beautiful red-orange balayage hair. Born in Madrid, Spain, on May 31, 1993 but raised in Colombia, she assures that from a very early age she has liked books and that is why she studied Journalism.

His academic career was completed at the University of Rosario in the city of Bogota, and he also spent a year in the Complutense of Madrid; there, while he was on an exchange, he got to know very closely the phenomenon of booktuber and started making videos for the platform Youtube.

The Colombian-Spanish has already been with her channel for nine years Chronicles of a Marauderwhich has positioned her as the most important book influencer in the fantasy and science fiction genres in the country, with more than 141,000 subscribers from different parts of the world.

The Colombian-Spanish has more than 141,000 followers through her YouTube account / Isabela Cantos

His constant work in favor of the reading community has given him the opportunity to meet important authors of international stature, seeking that there are “more book lovers like me”, according to his own words; In addition to helping her become an editor and a professional literary translator, a job that she currently performs actively and independently for different publishers and writers.

“I love epic fantasy, contemporary romances, dystopias, science fiction, and in general, young adult literature.” stated the influencer.

Over the ‘tips‘ that aspiring readers can apply, Isabela made the following clarifications:

How would you recommend to someone who “doesn’t like to read” or who has “never” gotten into the habit of reading, that they should start?

Isabela Cantos: I think that those who say they hate reading or that they don’t have that habit is because they were traumatized by the classics and the required reading at school. For me, the best way for someone to discover that they like to read is to let them find their way to a book of their own choosing. No recommendations from family or friends, because that comes with a load of “must” behind it, you know? And if there is something that discourages someone from enjoying reading, it is feeling obligated. So, nothing, if someone wants to start reading, I recommend that they think about the subject that they like the most (either because they enjoy it in movies or because they are curious about it), go to a bookstore, ask the manager where there is the section that contains that topic and gossip those titles there. In the end, you can choose the one that has caught your attention the most and try that one.

For you, what are those books that yes or yes one should read in life?

Isabela Cantos: Continuing with my speech that no one should force anyone to read anything else, I must say that I hate when lists like “The essential books for life”, “The books that every reader should read”, “The books that must be read” come out. before dying.” To me they are nonsense and, furthermore, those lists are generally curated in a very old, academic, closed and heteronormative way. So what I could recommend here are my favorite books, which everyone can look for and see if they catch their attention. That being said, my favorite books are: “the name of the windby Patrick Rothfuss; “The wind’s shadow”, by Carlos Ruiz Zafón; any of Sarah J. Maas; “Project Hail Maryby Andy Weir; “Eragonby Christopher Paolini; “In the end they both Adam Silvera; “The love hypothesisby Ali Hazelwood; “the ultimate empireby Brandon Sanderson, andtear me apartby Tahereh Mafi.

Isabela Cantos is currently the most important ”Booktuber” in Colombia and has held this position for several years / Isabela Cantos

From what age does your love for books begin?

Isabela Cantos: From a very young age, my parents always bought me books and stories and they read them to me at night. However, I think it was when I was in seventh grade, at school, when I really began to become obsessed with reading for pleasure, as a hobby, because I always passionately and madly hated the required reading at school and the classics. I mean, who in their right mind wants a child to fall in love with reading by forcing them to read?The Quijote”my cid” either “one hundred years of solitude” at 13 or 14 years old? But hey, that’s another discussion. The books that hooked me at that time to reading forever were sagas like “Twilight”, “Midnight”, “hush hush”, “immortals”, “Idhun’s memories” and “Eragon”.

When do you understand that you want to make audiovisual content about the literary world?

Isabela Cantos: To tell the truth, I discovered the world of BookTube and literary content creators long before I dared to do it myself, because I was very shy. That is to say, my worst nightmare in life was speaking in public or presenting in front of classes at school or university. However, when I was on exchange in Madrid, I was able to meet my favorite booktubers from that moment in person at the Madrid Book Fair. I talked to them and in the end, I ended up convinced that I had to give it a try, that I couldn’t keep my opinions to myself anymore and that I wanted to create a channel. So that was the impulse and that’s why I created “Chronicles of a Prowler” on YouTube in 2014.

Why focus on the fantasy and science fiction genres? What is it that most attracts your attention from these?

Isabela Cantos: Ugh, for me fantasy and science fiction are the perfect way to escape from reality. I may have studied Journalism or whatever you want, but the day-to-day news (which, furthermore, is almost always tragic, deaths, wars, political conflicts, kidnappings, etc… especially in Latin America) are one of the things that I least appreciate. interest. I mean, if I’m already aware of what’s going on in the world and in real life, why would I want to read up on it? That is the reason why I stay away from non-fiction and prefer to lose myself in fantasy worlds, in invented scenarios, in what the minds of incredible authors are capable of creating. I forget about my problems, I forget about the real world and I can simply follow the stories of characters who are capable of absolutely anything.

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