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Record temperature: Vietnam reports 44.1 degrees

Vietnam has measured a new record temperature for the country with 44.1 degrees Celsius. The record was registered yesterday by a weather station in northern Thanh Hoa province, according to the National Center for Hydrometeorological Forecasts. The previous record was 43.4 degrees Celsius in April 2019.

Southeast Asia has been suffering from a heat wave since April. Many of Vietnam’s neighboring countries have also recently reported record temperatures. The weather in Vietnam offers many differences between north and south, but the hottest summer months are now beginning across the country.


Climate expert Nguyen Ngoc Huy spoke to the AFP news agency of a “worrying record in the context of climate change and global warming”. He believes “this record will be repeated many times,” Nguyen said. “It confirms that extreme climate models are proving true.”

According to scientists, global warming exacerbates adverse weather conditions. A report by the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) recently warned that “any increase in global warming will increase multiple and simultaneous threats”.

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