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Recover body temperature with cold water

Adrián Basilio/Agencia Reforma

mondays, 13 marzo 2023 | 07:08

Mexico City.- Do you drink water “al time” or cold? This is the question that all people ask themselves to rehydrate after exercising. And the answer is very simple: you can drink as much as you like, although in times of heat like the one we are currently experiencing, cold liquids are recommended.

Consuming cold water has certain benefits after physical activity, because it helps to lower body temperature, provides a greater intake of fluids and improves performance.

Although the suggestion of trainers and sports doctors is to drink water that contains ice or has been in the refrigerator, without going to the freezing point, many people are reluctant because they experience a shock in their stomach precisely because of the increase in body temperature due to physical exertion, but if you do it outdoors in a very warm environment, you have no fear of throat illnesses.

Just that this shock in the stomach is pasajero, and in addition this organ of the digestive system can store more liquids if they are cold.

However, if you can, and in some cases you should, rehydrate with water and cold rehydrants. But, do it gradually, and decir, start to get the body used to taking small sips before taking larger drinks.

Ingesting cold water makes you want more of this liquid at that temperature, unlike one that is found “al tiempo”, warm or hot; then hydration and body heat regulation will be faster.

The cold drinks are also a good “trick” to keep well hydrated since one of its effects is similar to that of drinks with soda or sugars, which due to its freshness the flavor is great and is drunk more.

Today, there are even gyms with the policy of recommending that their subscribers ingest cold liquids, because they have proven that it delays the rise in body temperature, allowing a more intense workout.


– For every kilo that is lost in a race during training, 1.5 liters of water are required to compensate.

– The ideal temperature for cold drinks is 10 degrees centigrade.

– Avoid gulping down a large amount of cold liquid. Take one or two sorbos and wait a couple of minutes to repeat the intake.


– Helps to avoid heat stroke.

– Provides a higher intake of liquids.

– Improves the assimilation of the same liquids.

– It affects the performance by regulating the body temperature and delaying the onset of fatigue.

– Regulates and controls body temperature.

– Moisturizes faster than warm water.

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