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Rector denounces that president of the CNE makes decisions without consulting the organization

CNE decides date for elections, despite arguments and objections

CARACAS.- Juan Carlos Delpino, principal rector of the National Electoral Council (CNE), He denounced that the rules are violated in the electoral body. The rector, who was active in the opposition Democratic Action party (AD), maintained that only one person resolves key operational aspects.

He aimed directly at the president of the electoral body, the Chavista Elvis Amoroso. This official was comptroller general of the republic for several years, the same entity that imposed a 15-year political disqualification on the leader. María Corina Machado.

“Elvis Amoroso has made decisions without calling a session since March. The CNE is a collegiate body and I have the right to vote, save my vote and reason it, and assert the right of all candidates,” said Rector Delpino, in an interview with the portal Cocuyo Effect on Tuesday, June 11.

“Amoroso believes that the electoral body is like the Comptroller’s Office where he decided everything,” he emphasized.

He assured that the last time the entity in charge of organizing the presidential elections met was on March 26, “when it was decided that the Unity card and the Un Nuevo Tiempo card would be the ones authorized to nominate the opposition candidate of the Platform. Unitary”, Edmundo González Urrutia.

CNE veto of the EU

According to Juan Carlos Delpino, among the decisions made by Elvis Amoroso, the one to revoke the invitation to the European Union for international observation in the upcoming elections stands out.

“Amoroso made that decision on his own, of course, there was consensus in the majority, but he violated our rights by not calling a session for it and allowing us to dissent, vote “no” or save the vote. In the end the vote would be three to two, but it is irregular for one person to decide for an entire collegiate body, because he knows that the majority will vote with him,” she said.

Likewise, he said that technically the vote is shielded. “I have no doubt that the CNE is not going to cheat a single citizen vote. It will be a clean process.”

He argued that he decided to break the silence about the situation within the CNE because, in his words, the time for silence is over.

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“The time for prudence is over (…) Without prudence, we would not have been able to save the Unity card,” he said in reference to the main card with which the opposition nominated Edmundo González Urrutia.

Source: Cocuyo Effect

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