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“Red Eye: Under High Pressure”, an all-terrain thriller by Wes Craven

“Red eye” designates, in principle, domestic flights, in the United States, which cross three time zones in one night. Here, of course, the pun is a little heavy: on a plane, the neighbor of a passenger takes her hostage in an attempt to assassinate the American head of Homeland Security.

A good old-fashioned thriller from behind the faggots, from Wes Craven, thrills expert, with Rachel McAdams in the lead role, and Cillian Murphy as the villainous Jack Rippner (another pun on “Jack The Ripper”): Wes Craven, after all, signed the “Scream” series and knows how to handle suspense. He’s a B-movie king, and he indulges, in the end, his natural penchant for popular disquiet, like he’s-chasing-her-with-a-big-knife.

Underrated director Wes Craven has a sense of rhythm. It was he who invented Freddy Krueger, the murderous scarecrow, and who made “The Grip of Darkness”, a curious variation on the theme of voodoo. In “Red Eye”, he has fun performing all the tricks of speech possible in an enclosed space: the film is pleasant, rather amusing, ideal with a meal tray on your knees.

Sunday January 15 at 10:15 p.m. on RTL9. American thriller by Wes Craven (2005). With Rachel McAdams, Cillian Murphy, Brian Cox. 1h30.

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