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Redfall does not rotate at 60fps your Xbox Series X when launching: did you communicate?

Arkane has announced that the Redfall Performance mod will not be available at launch, this will say that it will debut The game will not run at 60fps and will run at 30fps even on Xbox Series Xconsole”ammiraglia” of the Xbox family. A notice that has been given via a non-controversial one that does say that it is concerned about this trend and that it has not had any problems since the arrival of the upgrades that will introduce support for 60fps.

If it is a commitment of a technical nature, with the team that has preferred to concentrate its other aspects to ensure that all worked best in the early period and only immediately will you see published the (free) upgrades that will allow me to giocare Redfall at 60fps.

E tu, cosa ne pensi, cosa farai? Giocherai al lance a 30fps o preferisci aspettare l’arrivo della modalità Performance?

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