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Redfall is launched with lower image refresh and without Performance Mode

Bad news for all fans looking forward to Arkane Austin’s next title, Redfall. The game is released in just three weeks, but it seems the studio has been forced to lower its launch ambitions somewhat. On Twitter, they now write that the vampire action game will be released without Performance Mode for both PC and Xbox Series S/X, and the standard will instead be Quality Mode and 30 frames per second.

In the same post, they promise that the 60 frames per second mode is coming in a post-launch update, but it’s clear that many were very disappointed by today’s announcement. Many have pointed out that the console-exclusive game thus does not fulfill the promise of Xbox Game Studios marketing boss Aaron Greenberg, who some time ago commented that “60 FPS will be the standard output” this generation – something that thus does not seem to include their own Redfall.

What do you think of Arkane’s decision on graphical limitations at Redfall’s launch?

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