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Reduce the risk of infection: How to remove a tick with tweezers correctly

Ticks are already on the move in spring and can transmit diseases such as Lyme disease and TBE. Removing them properly can reduce the risk of transmission.

The easiest way to get rid of a tick in the skin is to use a tick card or tweezers. If you don’t have such a special tool at hand, tweezers will do. What to consider.

It depends on the shape

According to the Health Knowledge Foundation, if you want to use tweezers, the right shape is important. The best way to grab a tick is with tweezers, the tips of which are angled inwards.

Because: If the tweezers have flat tips that run parallel, it can happen that you squeeze the tick when removing it. As a result, more pathogens – such as Lyme disease or tick-borne encephalitis (TBE) – can be pressed from the tick into the blood.

Allow turning movements better

To remove the tick, place the tweezers as close to the skin surface as possible. It’s best to grab the tick’s mouthpiece, not its engorged body. Once you’ve caught the bloodsucker, pull it out slowly and straight. Then thoroughly disinfect the area.

The Health Knowledge Foundation recommends that you avoid twisting and turning. Because then there is a risk that the mouthpart of the tick breaks off and gets stuck in the skin.

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